Standard Sizes Of Menu In Design And Printing


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A menu is considered as one of the components that make a difference, pulling in the consideration of clients. It is imperative to design the menu with a standard size. This article will give you the standard sizes of a menu on different material types.

What is a menu? The importance of a menu

What is a menu? In Vietnamese, the menu summarizes all the items that restaurants, food, and beverage shops serve, with prices for customers to choose more easily. The menu is considered as one of the crucial factors that make a difference, attracting the attention of customers.

To design a complete menu, demonstrating its job and value in the development of the restaurant, choosing the right menu size is significant.

Common menu types and sizes

Contingent upon the style of service of each restaurant, the material and size of the menu are different. The following are the standard sizes of a menu for each type of material, which enables restaurant owners to minimize printing costs.

Refer various modern and outstanding menu designs at:

Paper menu

This is a basic menu, always preferred by restaurants because of its reasonable price, quality assurance, and sufficient information for customers.

Form, sheet menu: Contains a large number of menu lists of restaurants. Easily implement magnificent flat page layout designs 

  • A5: 14.8 x 21cm | rounded to 15 x 21cm.
  • A4: 21 × 29.7cm | rounded 21 × 29.7cm.
  • A3: 29.7 x 42cm | rounded to 30 x 42cm
  • Standard format: 16 x 30cm

Paper menu template

Mica menu:

Usually only applicable to restaurants with short menus. If the restaurant's menu is too long, this design is unlikely to be suitable because of its compactness.

  • Micro menu table tent 1: 10 x 15cm 
  • Small menu table tent: 10 x 21cm
  • Medium menu table tent: 10 x 18cm
  • Large horizontal menu table tent: 30 x 21cm.
  • Large vertical menu table tent: 21 x 30cm

Mica menu template

Leather and wooden menu:

With relatively expensive prices, luxury restaurants consider this a popular choice. Using this type of material will help restaurants affirm their class, thereby targeting high-income customers, ensuring the level and professionalism that customers bring to the restaurant.

With comparatively expensive costs, luxury restaurants consider this a popular choice. Using this type of material will help restaurants affirm their class, thereby targeting high-income customers, guaranteeing the level and professionalism that restaurants bring to the customers.

Wood: Large size: 20 x 30 cm   

           Small size: 15 x 25 cm

Leather: Large size: 20 x 30 cm   

Small size: 18 x 28 cm

Leather menu template

Wooden menu template

Plastic menu:

For small food and drink catering businesses, this is a popular choice. To make the cleaning process easier, the standard sizes of a menu that can be used are:

Large size: 28 x38 cm

Small size: 18 x 28 cm

Some notes when choosing menu size

Menu design and printing need consistency. At the point when the menu size is designed appropriately, the expense of printing will be significantly diminished. For instance, when you set the menu in the right size (A3, A4, A5), you will profit more from the price. The machine used to print the menu should be a fast digital printer, other conventional machines will greatly reduce the menu quality.

The maximum size of fast digital printers that can print is 33x48cm. However, in reality, the menu size should not be so big.

Above are the standard sizes of a menu when designing. To maximize proceeds, restaurant owners should choose the standard sizes of a menu appropriate for the printer size, paper size, cover size (wrap film). The decision has never been so easy, to choose a menu of the right size, restaurants need to identify the potential customers, understand the desires of clients. Alongside that, you should decide precisely the capability of your restaurant to make reasonable calculations for the menu size.

5 beautiful menu design for inspiration


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  • Hotline: 1900.633313
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  • Office address: 19th floor, HCMCC building, 249 A Thuy Khue, Tay Ho, Hanoi
  • Website:
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