Different Types of Decal Commonly Used In Printing


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Decal stickers are extremely necessary and important products that are broadly used to help bolster the business activities of all organizations in all different industries. Decal is divided into many categories and each type has various characteristics and applications. Hence, to meet the needs of decal printing, you have to determine the main purpose of use as well as select the appropriate type of decal. In this article, Printgo will help you distinguish amongst numerous types of decal, each specific feature, and application.

Paper decal

Like plastic decal, a paper decal is a well-known decal used for marketing labels and decorative decal on product packaging. The structure of the paper decal has 4 layers with a surfacing layer, a glue layer, a silicon layer, and a base layer. Paper decal has an assortment of sizes and paper materials that can be utilized for printing and every decal paper material will suit each type of ink and can be applied separately.

Plastic decal

Plastic decal has various types and is commonly used to make sticker labels on product packaging, providing product information to users. Characteristics of the plastic decal are durable and not easy to tear.

White plastic decal

The characteristic of white plastic decal stickers is its milky white color feature, the front surface is a thin layer of plastic and the back is covered with glue to paste on the product surface. Simultaneously, high-quality milk plastic decal with strong adhesion can be used on products with curved surfaces, folded or used outdoors.

Transparent plastic decal

The characteristics of the transparent plastic decal stickers are that both sides of the decal are transparent, can see through the surface of the product. Transparent plastic decal has a high aesthetic, often used as a decorative decal for products in events, or to increase the aesthetics of suitable product packaging.

PP decal

PP decal is one of the types of decal commonly used in advertising activities. Characteristics of PP decal are cheap, printed with PP paper material and not easily seen through. The downside of PP decal is that the back often has a strong adhesive layer that makes it difficult to replace and clean after tearing the stamps on the product. 

Reflective decal

Materials comprised of reflective decal stickers is a special material, when used in the evening or under the influence of light, the decal will automatically glow. The application of reflective decal can be easily seen in life such as: making traffic signs, making warning strips posted on roads or sticking in public areas to ensure instructions and warnings for all people in the dark space.

Grid decal

Grid decal stickers have a special feature that is visible from the inside to see the image in front but from the front, it will only see the meshes on the surface but not see through the back. The application of this type of decal is also very popular and they are used to create a private space for people behind.

Seven-color decal

The characteristic of the seven-color decal stickers is that it has a myriad of different color luster, when tearing the upper layer will damage the content, the image printed below it can not be reused. Seven-color decal is used as a warranty stamp for electronic products, refrigeration or as a seal for products in other industries.

Car decal

Car decal stickers are also a type of plastic decal, the characteristics of this type of decal are super glossy membrane with vibrant colors, eye-catching images and content printed on stamps with sharpness, high ink adhesion. The back surface of the decal will be coated with oil glue with good grip to grip on the body, can be used in harsh conditions.

Translucent decal

Translucent decal stickers consist of various materials, in which the primary material is a matte vinyl pony layer. Translucent decal usually have a thickness of about 0.1mm, the smooth surface will be encircled by a layer of oil-covered paper and covered with a layer of adhensive vinyl glue. The residual surface will have a slight graininess when touched. The application of translucent decal is often used to paste glass panels in rooms such as meeting rooms, bathrooms, etc… to obscure to create a separate space for users. 

Features of window decal stickers are on the surface will have many patterns, vivid patterns used to decorate the living spaces from home to office, different business shops. Glass decal stickers have a plethora of sizes, patterns as well as diverse designs to meet all tastes and decoration demands.

Above are the characteristics that help distinguish the types of decal commonly used in printing today. Each decal will have different characteristics and applications, contingent upon the purpose of use as well as personal preferences that you can choose the appropriate type of decal. If you are in need of decal printing, labels for business activities, quickly contact Printgo via hotline 1900 633313 or email sale@printgo.vn for effective advice and support!   

Printgo - the number 1 printing and design platform in Vietnam is committed to giving you a satisfied experience when using printing services , design, product quality assurance as required. 

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