Different Types Of Standee And Standard Size Of Each Type


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Standee is a broadly used publication and you can easily find them in shopping malls, on the street, at fairs, or events. Standee is considered a medium to promote products or introduce promotions, events of businesses. There is a wide range of standees that can be encountered and each one has its dimensions and applications for each purpose. As such, in this article, Printgo will help you differentiate amongst standee types, applications of each type, and standard standee sizes for printing and designing.

Distinguish types of standee

Standee is divided into different categories and each type is utilized by its application depending on the purpose of the client. We can distinguish specific types of standees as follows:

  • X-shelf standee: standee shelf has a frame made up of X shape and can easily adjust the size, height as you want and is often used with short-term advertising activities.
  • Aluminum rolling standee: the mainframe supporting the standee is the two book racks placed at the top and bottom, which can be easily collapsed.
  • Water standee: the standee has two parts and the stool has sandbox as the sole, avoiding the wind.
  • Model standee: is standee with characters or people, product models are used mainly for advertising and are often placed in front of businesses and shops. 
  • 3D standee: This standee will be 3D models, durable and used for a long time in areas with many passersby.
  • Digital standee is the billboard with one or many colors LED electronic boards and often used before shops, supermarkets.
  • Mini standee: often found in restaurants, service businesses in the form of menus, display products with small size.

The standard size of standee

Using the standard size of standee suitable for each purpose of use will bring a better aesthetic effect, attract various clients. Standard sizes of standee for each specific type are:

  • X-shaped standee: the smallest size is A3 (20cm x 42cm), used to introduce the product, while the most common size is 60cm x 160cm, 80cm x 180cm
  • X-shaped with 2-sided posters standee: the size of this poster can be customized with a maximum weight of 10kg. The common size is the same as the X-shaped standee
  • Cross standee: two popular sizes are 60cm x 100cm and 80cm x 100cm, the base is usually high from 40cm - 60cm
  • Cross hanging 2-sided poster standee: with iron cross leg, easy to customize height with the standard size of 60cm x 160cm
  • L- shaped standee: can be adjusted at any height, 60cm x 160cm, 80cm x 180cm, 90cm x 210cm, are usually used to advertise products, while the size of 80cm x 200cm is usually used to hang L-poster for outdoor use
  • Roll standee: popular size is 60cm x 160cm, 80cm x 200cm, 100cm x 200cm and suitable for frequent moving

Standard size for printing standee


Standee has a myriad of sizes with different sizes, so you need to decide the right purpose and placement of the standee to choose the most suitable product type. After that, you have to pick a printing address and reputable design to ensure ownership of the best quality products. Furthermore, on the off chance that you want to possess a standee design and understand the standard size of the standee, please contact Printgo right away.

Printo owns the number 1 online printing platform in Vietnam with a dynamic, flexible design team and a network of large and small prestigious printing houses nationwide, which will always commit to guarantee the quality of the product. Besides, Printgo additionally has many printing services, design of official publications, brand identity, sales promotion with extremely competitive prices, and appealing promotions. The delivery policy at Printgo creates the most convenience for clients when delivery to all regions of the country.

Some applied standee models in life

Refer various outstanding standee designs at: https://printgo.vn/mau-ma-in-an-standee-m20

If you are in need of printing and want to possess elegant and trendy standee design or need to find a place to consult, choose the right standee model, please contact Printgo right away - the number 1 printing and design company in Vietnam at hotline 1900.633313 or email sale@printgo.vn to receive the most timely and effective support advice from our consultant team!      

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